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Christmas Tree Farm (Old Timey Version) - Taylor Swift
ID 35713




Christmas Tree Farm (Old Timey Version) - Taylor Swift


Christmas Tree Farm (Old Timey Version) - Taylor Swift

My winter nights are taken up by static
Stress, and holiday shopping traffic
But I close my eyes, and I'm somewhere else
Just like magic
In my heart is a Christmas tree farm
Where the people would come
To dance under sparkling lights
Bundled up in their mittens and coats
And the cider would flow
And I just wanna be there tonight
Sweet dreams of holly and ribbon
Mistakes are forgiven
And everything is icy and blue
And you would be there too
Under the mistletoe
Watching the fire glow
And telling me, "I love you"
Just being in your arms
Takes me back to that little farm
Where every wish comes true
In my heart is a Christmas tree farm
There's a light in the barn
We'd run inside out from the cold
In the town, kids are dreaming of sleighs
And they're warm and they're safe
They wake to see a blanket of snow
Sweet dreams of holly and ribbon
Mistakes are forgiven
And everything is icy and blue
And you would be there too
Under the mistletoe
Watching the fire glow
And telling me, "I love you"
Just being in your arms
Takes me back to that little farm
Where every wish comes true
(Baby, yeah!)
And when I'm feeling alone
You remind me of home
Oh baby, baby, Merry Christmas
And when the world isn't fair
I'll pretend that we're there
Baby, baby, Merry Christmas
To you
Under the mistletoe (To you)
Watching the fire glow
And telling me, "I love you"
Baby, baby, Merry Christmas
Oh baby, baby, Merry Christmas
Baby, baby, Merry Christmas
I love you
Oh baby, baby, Merry Christmas
Oh baby, baby, Merry Christmas
(I just want you to know)
Oh baby, baby, Merry Christmas
May your every wish come true

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