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Come Close - Jake Scott
ID 45439




Come Close - Jake Scott


Come Close - Jake Scott

作词 : Jake Scott/Sam MacPherson/Adam Yaron
作曲 : Jake Scott/Sam MacPherson/Adam Yaron
You're the one thing I know that I can't lose
I never want anyone other than you
I know you're once in a lifetime
Wanna give you my life I'm
Scared you're falling for my good side
Good side, good side
There's so much I need to show you
But if I say the whole truth
There's tears we gotta go through
Go through, go through
I need you to come
Break me to pieces
Show you all my demons
I need you to see this
Or we won't come close
To all we could be
Want you to see me bleeding
I love you and I mean it
So could you come close?
I don't want anything left unsaid
'Cause we could be, we could be good as it gets
I know you're once in a lifetime
Wanna give you my life I'm
Scared you're falling for my good side
Good side, good side
Let you see what I'm afraid of
What I keep running away from
Everything that I'm ashamed of
I don't want good enough
So I need you to come
Break me to pieces
Show you all my demons
I need you to see this
Or we won't come close
To all we could be
Want you to see me bleeding
I love you and I mean it
So could you come
They could tell stories all about us
But we won't come close if I don't open up
All of myself
I need you to see me, so could you come close?
They could tell stories all about us
But we won't come close if I don't open up
All of myself
I need you to see me
Break me to pieces
Show you all my demons
I need you to see this
Break me to pieces
Show you all my demons
I need you to see this
Or we won't come close
To all we could be
Want you to see me bleeding
I love you and I mean it
So could you come close?
They could tell stories all about us
But we won't come close if I don't open up
All of myself
I need you to see me, so could you come close?
They could tell stories all about us
But we won't come close if I don't open up
All of myself
I need you to see me

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