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Sarah Walk - Let Me Try
ID 3664




Sarah Walk - Let Me Try


Sarah Walk - Let Me Try

作词 : Sarah Walk
作曲 : Sarah Walk
You make me wanna save you
Your heart is full of wounds
And I see your chest is aching
Thinking you're no good
You just make me lonely
Won't you make me tired
Make me wish I had you
Make me wish I tried
I want you to be okay
Baby let me sing your name
I forget we're not the same
But you won't let me try
You won't let me try
You won't let me try, yeah
I hold you through the night, alright
But you won't let me try
You won't let me try, yeah, alright
If only you were ready
To love someone like me
You do it to yourself, girl
Not knowing what you need
I'm tired of being lonely
Losing track of sleep
Feeling lost in circles
Wishing you could see
That I could make you be okay
Baby let me sing your name
I don't wanna play these games
Come on and let me try
Come on and let me try
Come on and let me try, yeah
I hold you through the night, alright
But you won't let me try,
You won't let me try, yeah, alright
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(Baby, let me sing your name)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(Baby, let me sing your name)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(I want you to be okay)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try(Baby, let me sing your name)
You won't let me try
You won't let me try

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